Billboard and web are connected with a QR code. The billboard acts as an eye-catching hook and as an invitation to find out more about the outstanding scientific achievements of the University of Vienna in the specially developed Uni Wien online magazine.
Advertising & Media Your advertising agency for successful marketing.
How do I get your attention? Great question! Our advertising unit provides the best answers with fresh ideas.
It’s the Idea that Counts
You can analyse the needs of the target groups in detail, plan the campaign perfectly and put together the best implementation team for all media channels – but if the idea doesn’t work, it’s all for nothing.
That’s why our creative people don’t rest until they’ve worked out a really strong idea. Because only with a brilliant idea will your advertising campaign get the desired attention from the target group by standing out from the “clutter” of the thousands of messages that rain down on us all day every day.
Cross-Media the Right Way!
We plan cross-media advertising campaigns right from the start. All channels that are relevant to the campaign, such as digital, social, TV, radio, print, out of home, etc., are planned in an integrated way, precisely coordinated and linked to one another.
Best Implementation. Made by FONDA
Whether digital, social, print or video: our experts from a wide range of disciplines work together with a great deal of expertise and creativity to implement the advertising material for almost all media channels in-house. For the production of radio spots and elaborately produced TV commercials, we work together with selected, experienced production partners.
100 % Fair Media Planning and Execution
With a great deal of experience and commitment, we take on the professional media planning and execution of campaigns in all media channels for you. We work on a purely fee-based basis and completely dispense with hidden kick-backs and similar (quite common in the industry), non-transparent billing practices.
Careful Monitoring and Accurate Performance Measurement
As with online-only marketing, we also emphasize careful measurement of success across all media channels and the entire conversion funnel (end-to-end tracking) for cross-media campaigns.